Beginners Clinic

Interested in orienteering but don’t know where, or how, to start? Come on out to our next Beginner Clinic.  We’ll show you how to use a compass, how to read an orienteering map, and walk with you through an orienteering course.




$30.00 person (includes map, instructions) Discount of $10 for TOC Members.


Evening clinics run from 6:00 p.m. until dark.  The date will be posted or coordinated with the clinic instructor. We offer clinics at most of our events as well. If it takes place at an event - it will be completed before the race begins.


Note that there are limited spots per session. Pre-registration is required, the day before the intended clinic, to guarantee your spot. Drop-in registration will be accepted if there are spots available, but there is no guarantee.  Click on "REGISTER" beside the date you want to attend.

***Please note that we will need a minimum of 4 persons signed up to go ahead with the clinic.  For a clinic scheduled on a Wednesday we will check the number on the Monday morning and if there is not enough people signed up we will credit you for a future clinic or refund your fee.


Clinics are generally held in conjunction with the Weekly Park Series. The Park Series is held a different GTA park every week. 

They also take place at many of our event as well.  Go to the event pages for details and to sign up.

2025 Spring Clinic Dates and Locations:

February 17 2025 - Toronto Islands - FREE CLINICS

Go to Blog page for details HERE

Regular Clinics will resume in the spring.



What to wear:

Regular running or comfortable walking shoes. Long pants are recommended. It will take place outside - so dress appropriate for the weather!


Bring your own compass, if you have one, or we’ll loan you one for the session. 

Beginners Clinic Schedule

2025 Knockout O-CupMonora Park

Sunday, April 20th, 10:30 am

Signup for clinic

Intermediate Clinic 

Interested in developing your orienteering skills further? Come join us for a 1-day instructor-led course to sharpen your navigation skills for your next orienteering meet or adventure race!
Cost: $60.00 person (includes map and instructions). Discount of $20 for TOC Members.
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (approximately)
Prerequisite: Beginner’s Clinic or instructor’s approval.
Covered Material:
  • Review of Map-Reading/Compass Use
  • Distance Judgment/Pace Counting
  • Line-Orienteering
  • Contour-only Orienteering
  • Route planning/Strategy

If you’re not quite ready for an advanced clinic, try one of our Beginner’s Clinics to build your basic orienteering skills.  We strongly suggest you participate in some training or races before signing up to the Intermediate Clinic.

2024 Schedule


Dates coming soon!



Team Building

If you are planning a company outing this summer, consider orienteering for a unique and exciting alternative to typical corporate excursions. Not enough time to get outdoors? We can bring orienteering into your office as well.

Our offering:

Poker Orienteering

Poker Orienteering

A fun team building event that combines strategy, navigation skills and … a bit of luck.
Control points are placed in the park and marked on the orienteering map. Each control point has a score based on its difficulty: 10, 20, 30 or 40 points. Teams of 2-3 people have to navigate to the control points and collect the maximum number of points.

The Poker twist is that each team will receive 2 cards and each control point will have a bag of 2-3 poker cards. At each control point a team can pick or swap one card.

There are 2 winner teams: one that collects the most points in the shortest time and the one that has the best poker hand.

Location: Sunnybrook Park
Duration: 4-5 hours
Price: starting at 40CAD/person, minimum 10 people
Fitness level: All levels

What is included:

  • Brief introduction to Orienteering
  • Navigation 101
    • How to use a compass
    • How to read a map
  • Guided walk on a short orienteering course
  • Team Challenge - Poker Orienteering race


Office Orienteering

Office Orienteering

This is a perfect event for Office Happy Hour.
We will design a mini orienteering race where a simplified map of the office will be used.
Control points will be placed in the office and will be marked on the map.
The winner is the person or the team that can find all the control points in the shortest time.

A real orienteering race setup will be used with electronic punching cards and timing software.

Location: In the office
Duration: 1-2 hours
Price: starting at 15CAD/person, minimum 20 people
Fitness level: All levels

What is included:

  • Brief introduction to Orienteering
  • Navigation 101
    • How to use a compass
    • How to read a map
  • Office Orienteering


Scavenger Hunt

Control points are placed at different parts of the island. Teams of 2-3 people will have to solve the puzzles at each control point and find the next control based on the clues.

Location: Toronto Island
Duration: 4-5 hours
Price: starting at 40CAD/person, minimum 10 people
Fitness level: All levels

What is included:

  • Brief introduction to Orienteering
  • Navigation 101
    • How to use a compass
    • How to read a map
  • Scavenger Hunt on Toronto Island


Custom event

Do you have other ideas for your team building event? Contact us and we will help to take your co-workers outdoors in one of the beautiful parks in Toronto.

Location: Park in Toronto
Duration: 4-5 hours
Price: starting at 40CAD/person, minimum 10 people
Fitness level: All levels

What is included:

  • Brief introduction to Orienteering
  • Navigation 101
    • How to use a compass
    • How to read a map
  • Custom event

For more information, please inquire by email at [email protected].